California Court Referral maintains multiple locations in the Greater Los Angeles Area and provides comprehensive array of counseling group and individualized programs.

Services > Alcohol and Drug Assessment and Rehabilitation

Voluntary Alcohol and/or Other Drug Treatment Services: This program is intended for individuals and their family members. These services consist of individual and group counseling and substance abuse education services to help an individual begin and maintain their recovery from the abuse of alcohol and/or drugs. Services also available for family members who need counseling and education on how to effectively cope with and help their addicted family member.

Court Mandated Alcohol & Drugs Program: This program is aimed towards those individuals accused of use/possession of illegal substances or those who have abused alcohol or who have been involved in trouble situations because of use/possession of alcohol and/or drugs. This is normally a 10 week program, however, it can be tailored to the needs of the individual as determined by the referral agency. The Program is designed to assist individuals recognize their chemical and/or other drug dependency and assist them in their recovery. It may also involve participation and direct involvement of the family members. The program generally consists of the three components that each participant needs to complete: up to ten weekly group counseling/education classes or sessions of two to three hours durations, at least two individual interviews of one hour at time of enrollment and half hour at the end of the Program and finally self-help consisting of One session of Narcotics, Alcoholic or Cocaine Anonymous meetings per class (once per week). Upon completion of the entire program components the participant will be given all the necessary documentation to present to the referring agency as proof of program completion.

Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD) Assessment: A full, comprehensive alcohol and other drug assessment is completed with a certified substance abuse counselor. Assessment instrument utilized is the ASI (Addiction Severity Index). The ASI is administered in a semi-structured interview to patients who present for substance abuse treatment. The instrument gathers information about seven areas of a patient's life: medical, employment/support, drug and alcohol use, legal, family history, family/social relationships, and psychiatric problems. Using a ten point scale from 0 to 9, interviewer severity ratings indicate the degree of patient problems in each of the seven problem areas, based on historical and current information.